Summer camp is booked! Save the date for June 24th-28th. Total amount to save for camp currently is $215 plus $30-50 additional charge for transportation and snack costs. We have not finalized rental vans yet, so once this is done the full additional cost will be communicated + added. If you would like to volunteer to transport your youth + other youth this additional cost will be waived. Please contact Melia or Ethan if this is something you would like to do. We appreciate you grace as we finalize our rental vans.
Here is how you register for camp:
1. Go to the website below and put a $20 dollar deposit on the camp website. THIS IS NONREFUNDABLE. This $20 dollars will be taken off total camp cost & locks in the current price rate. We encourage EVERYONE to put their deposit in today wether they have the total amount to pay or not just to secure the lower rate.
2. You can finish registering on Planning Center (or wait until you have full amount or once fundraiser cost are added in)which will have remainder of camp registration plus fee to cover travel/snack for camp.
Costs for Camp
Until April 15 >> $215 + (plus travel fee $30-50) Until May 6 >> $225 +(plus travel fee $30-50) After May 6 >> $245 + (plus travel fee $30-50) Final Registration Deadline >> June 17
Please reach out to Melia or Ethan for any questions you may have.