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Sunday School: “And Their Eyes Were Opened” Why Emmaus Matters

From Thursday evening to Sunday night a series of events unfolded that redefined history. Israel’s purpose was fulfilled, the New Covenant was inaugurated, principalities and powers were defeated, a small band of disciples were transformed, and the mystery of Jesus was revealed. In this study we will look closely at three days that changed everything. You will get a fresh look at the death of Christ as the Passover sacrifice. You will coherently understand the whole Biblical narrative through the lens of Jesus as the purpose of the original covenant plan of God. You will have a fresh understanding of the Lord’s Table and of your own family table. You will gain a vision for evangelizing and discipling nations within the confines of your own normal routines. Joins us.

The Plan for our 8 Weeks Together
The Hour - The witness of Jesus concerning his purpose
This Passover - The connection of Jesus to the history and destiny of Israel
The Cup - The drink that Jesus alone could partake
The Darkness - The long war between the seed of the Woman and the Serpent
The Long Walk - The Bible teaching on the Road to Emmaus
The Table - The daily bread that Jesus alone can provide
The Kingdom - The reign that Jesus said was at hand
The Promise - The promise of Abraham that blesses all the nations

January 28

Men's Ministry

February 2

Prayer for the Nation